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Business & Management

Bachelor of Business Management (General) External Degree


This Bachelor of Business Management (General) External Degree programm conduct by University of Kalaniya.

Curriculum Structure

The curriculum consists of sixteen (16) compulsory courses and five (05) elective courses and one (01) non-credit course

Course Code Course Credit Hours Credits Course Status
Degree Part I
BMGT E1015 Principles of Management N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E1025 Business Accounting N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E1035 Business Economics N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E1045 Business Law N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E1055 Mathematics for Business N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E1065 Information Technology N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E1070 English for Business Communication N/A N/A Compulsory
Degree Part II
BMGT E2015 Marketing Management N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E2025 Human Resource Management N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E2035 Accounting For Managers N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E2045 Statistics for Management N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E2055 Business Information Systems N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E2065 Organization Theory and Design N/A N/A Compulsory
Degree Part III
BMGT E3015 Strategic Management N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E3025 Small Business Management N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E3035 Tatal Quality Management N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E3045 Operational Management N/A N/A Compulsory
BMGT E3055 Organizational Behavior N/A N/A Elective
BMGT E3065 Business Finance N/A N/A Elective

How are the teaching sessions going at IBA?

  • Online Lectures
  • Face to Face Lectures
  • Industrial Visit
  • Seminars Programmes
  • Paper Discussions

The qualifications necessary to register as a student to sit for this programm as below

(a) Candidate should have passed in one sitting a minimum of three approved subjects at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka. (Preference will be given to candidates those who studied approved subjects under Commerce Stream.)
(a) උසස් පෙළ ඕනෑම විෂයන් 3 කින් සමත්ව තිබීම (වාණිජ විෂය ධාරාව යටතේ අනුමත විෂයයන් හැදෑරූ අපේක්ෂකයින්ට මුලිකත්වය ලබා දෙනු ලැබේ)

How to apply

If you are able to meet the entry requirements for this degree programme please click on Register Now
