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Business & Management

Bachelor of Science Management (General) External Degree


Bachelor of Science Management (Public) General (External) Degree programme was introduced in 1997 by the Department of Public Administration of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. All the academic affairs pertaining to the degree programme are carried out by the Department of Public Administration whilst administrative matters are carried out by the External Examination Branch of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

Enhancing the knowledge in the sphere of Management and Public Administration in Sri Lanka. Creating more avenues for those who have passed the Advanced Level examination but were unable to get admitted to the National University system to obtain a degree in Management and Public Administration disciplines. Facilitating employees in the private and public sectors for further continuing their education and strengthening the professional linkage between the Department of public Administration and those organizations. Providing a path for those who wish to pursue higher education.

Curriculum Structure

The revised curriculum consists of 19 compulsory subjects as follows

Course Code Course Credit Hours Credits Course Status
Degree Part I
MEX 1501 (a) and (b) Management Process and Office Management 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 1502 Political Science 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 1503 Microeconomics 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 1504 Financial Accounting 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 1505 Introduction to Information Technology 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 1506 Mathematics and Statistics 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 1507 Compulsory English N/A N/A Compulsory
Degree Part II
MEX 2501 Theory and Practice of Public Administration 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 2502 Sociology and Organizational Behavior 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 2503 Macroeconomics 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 2504 Project Management 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 2505 Marketing Management 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 2506 Constitutional, Administrative, and Commercial Law 75 5 Compulsory
Degree Part III
MEX 3501 Public Policy 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 3502 Development Administration 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 3503 Public Finance 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 3504 Development Economics 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 3505 Human Resource Management 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 3506 Financial Management 75 5 Compulsory

How are the teaching sessions going at IBA?

  • Online Lectures
  • Face to Face Lectures
  • Industrial Visit
  • Seminars Programmes
  • Paper Discussions

The qualifications necessary to register as a student to sit for this programm as below

Candidate should have passed in one sitting a minimum of three approved subjects at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka.
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How to apply

If you are able to meet the entry requirements for this degree programme please click on Register Now
