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Business & Management

Bachelor of Science Business Administration (General) External Degree


The B.Sc. Business Administration (General) External Degree Programme is offered by the Department of Business Administration of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The Department was first established in 1959/1960 as the Department of Business and Public Administration. The Department of Business and Public Administration was reconstituted as Department of Management Studies in 1968. In 1980, the Department of Management Studies was split into two separate Departments, namely, Department of Business Administration and Department of Public Administration under the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce. The Department of Business Administration has been able to maintain popularity and recognition from its inception to date. The main purpose of establishing the Department of Business Administration was to offer the internal B.Sc. Business Administration (special) Degree Programme. The Business Administration internal degree has an academic history of more than 50 years as the pioneering and leading degree programme in the field of Business Management in Sri Lanka. Commencing from the academic year 2001/2002, the existing degree programme in Business Administration was completely redesigned to produce present and future human resources requirement to meet the socio- economic development of the country with a global scenario.

In this background, the Department of Business Administration introduced the B.Sc. Business Administration (General) External Degree Programme in 1997 with the aim of fulfilling the socio-economic expectations of the higher education sector of the country. It was revised in the year 2011 to cope up with the emerging global realities in the wider society.

Curriculum Structure

The curriculum consists of sixteen (16) compulsory courses and five (05) elective courses and one (01) non-credit course

Course Code Course Credit Hours Credits Course Status
Degree Part I
BME 1501 Introduction to Management 75 5 Compulsory
BME 1502 Economics for Managers N/A N/A Compulsory
BME 1503 Business Mathematics and Statistics 75 5 Compulsory
BME 1504 Introduction to Information Technology 75 5 Compulsory
BME 1505 Accounting for Managers 75 5 Compulsory
BME 1506 Business Law 75 5 Compulsory
BME 1007 Business English 75 5 Non-credit
Degree Part II
BME 2501 Marketing Management 75 5 Compulsory
BME 2502 Human Resource Management 75 5 Compulsory
BME 2503 Financial Management 75 5 Compulsory
BME 2504 Operations Management 75 5 Compulsory
BME 2505 Organisational Behaviour 75 5 Compulsory
BME 2506 Management Information Systems 75 5 Compulsory
Degree Part III
BME 3501 Strategic Management 75 5 Compulsory
BME 3502 International Business Management 75 5 Compulsory
BME 3503 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility 75 5 Compulsory
BME 3504 Managing for Productivity and Quality 75 5 Compulsory
BME 3505 Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management 75 5 Elective
BME 3506 Development Economics 75 5 Elective
BME 3507 Human Resource Development 75 5 Elective
BME 3508 Organisational Change and Development 75 5 Elective
BME 3509 Service Management 75 5 Elective

Note : The offering of the elective subjects will be determined by the University of Sri Jayewardenepura for each academic year based on the student demand and market/ industry requirements.

How are the teaching sessions going at IBA?

  • Face to Face Lecture
  • Assignment
  • Industrial Visit
  • Workshops
  • Simulations
  • Role-play
  • Case study analysis and problem-solving exercises
  • Reading textbooks and journals
  • Lectures and seminars including talks by guest Lectures
  • Class discussions
  • Presentations and work on group and individual projects
  • Own research project

The qualifications necessary to register as a student to sit for this programm as below

Candidate should have passed in one sitting a minimum of three approved subjects at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka.

How to apply

If you are able to meet the entry requirements for this course you can download related application and fill all the details and post us.
