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Business & Management

Diploma in Human Resources Management


Ii is common view of the researchers, practitioners and authors that human resource is the most important resource in contemporary organizations as its unique characteristics. Complying with this pointe , almost all the organizations inevitably apply human resource management practices to ensure the effective utilization of human resources so as to accomplishing organizational goals and objectives. Most of the organizations tend to establish separate staffing department called human resource management department to undertake the responsibility of developing and implementing human resource management practices throughout organizations. However they realized that human resource management is not sole responsibility of resource management department. Its responsibility goes to every to every supervisor and managers to learn and apply human resource management practices in day to day operations. This course amis to provide basic understanding about human resource management and its related ares to both individuals who are expected to be engaged in human resource management discipline or other disciplines.


After completing this course, the student will be able to

  • Understanding principles of human resource management.
  • Understanding principles of management.
  • Identify the role of human resource management in self and professional development of individuals.
  • identify the role of human resource management in implementing (CSR)
  • understanding the individual's responsibility to the society.

Curriculum Structure

1. Introduction to the HRM
2. Organization of the HR department
3. Job design
4. Job analysis
5. Human Resource Planning
6. Recruitment
7. Selection
8. Hiring & Induction
9. Performance evaluation
10. Pay management
11. Training & Development
12. Employee movements
13. Disciplinary administration
14. Safety & health
15. Welfare administration
16. Grievances handling
17. Management of labor relations
1. Understanding about life
2. Death & lie after death
3. Comprehensive self – evaluation
4. Developing a personal life plan
5. Developing a personal life plan
6. Getting ready for the first job
7. Preparing for professional advancement
8. Facing worries of life
1. Objectives & principles of HRP
2. Forecasting techniques of human resource
3. Techniques and approaches to job deigning
4. Job design & Image
5. Total quality management
6. Quality circles & total confidence
7. Techniques and approaches to job analysis
8. Process of job analysis
9. Issues of job analysis
10. Recruitment and theories of recruitment
11. Recruitment sources and techniques
12. Selection and selection techniques
13. Selection testing & process
14. Placement testing & process
15. Placement process
16. Orientation techniques
1. Definition of PE
2. Nature & Significance of PE
3. Purposes & process of PE
4. PE Policies
5. PE Criteria & Standards
6. PE methods
7. PE from & Procedure
8. Training of evaluator
9. PE discussion / feedback
10. Review and renewal
11. Issues of PE
12. Development of Dynamic PE system
13. Performance Management
14. Sri Lankan PE practices
1. Character Development
2. Time Management
3. Important aspects of Industrial psychology
4. Social Responsibility
5. Business ethics
6. Anger management
1. History of the work & work organizations
2. The nature of the Human nature
3. Origins of work psychology
4. The psychological contract of work
5. Personality factors at work
6. Perceiving people in work organizations
7. Attitudes and job satisfaction
8. Learning in work organizations
9. Techniques of job designing & redesign
10. Managing selection & assessment
11. The unconscious at work
12. Managing discipline
13. Managing minority group
14. Counseling in work organizations
15. Work & mental health
16. Managing occupational stress
17. Managing occupational choice
1. Employee & Independent contractor
2. The contract of employment
3. Termination of the contract of employment
4. Employee in factory & industrial undertakes
5. Employee in factory & industrial undertakes
6. Legal aspect different types of leave
7. Employment of women
8. Young person and children
9. Employee provident funds
10. Employee trust fund & gratuities
11. Domestic inquiry procedure
12. Industrial disputes
13. Industrial and labor courts
14. Historical evolution of employee relations
15. Theories of employee relations
16. Trade unions and employee relations
17. Collective bargaining
18. Negotiation & consultation
19. Role of the human resource manager in
1. Training Definition,nature & significance
2. Definition, the psychology of learning
3. Learning curves , types of learning
4. Factors affecting learning
5. Theories of learning & principles
6. Training for new employees
7. Training process
8. Identification & prioritizing training needs
9. Training objectives
10. Setting training Criteria & Standards
11. Designing the training program & Implementation
12. Evaluation of training program
13. Responsibilities of training trainers & Training styles
14. HR development today
15. The HRD process
16. Development needs analysis
17. Succession planning
18. Management Development
19. Careers & Career planning
20. Individual issues & self – development
21. HRD environmental issues & trends
22. Approaches of HRD
23. Types of education
24. Role of non – government organizations in
1. Wages & salaries Management
2. Incentive management
3. Welfare / Benefit management
4. Legal compliance in compensation mgt
5. Employee retention & compensation
6. Citizenship behavior & compensation
7. Employee motivation & compensation
8. Employee cost control
1. Occupational Health & safety in organization
2. Importance of improving OHS
3. Org. health & safety and HRM
4. Hazards to OHS
5. Occupational accidents
6. Occupational diseases
7. Occupational Stress
8. Low quality of work life
9. OHS strategies for improvement
10. Legislations on workmen’s compensation
11. Organizing & staffing for OHS
12. Approaches o effective safety management
13. An effective health management program
14. Introduction to Implement good Housekeeping practices
15. Safety audit
16. Evaluation of effectiveness of health & safety Management
17. Special issues of OHS Sri Lanka
1. Dual Career couple issues
2. Woman Managers in organizations
3. Managing diversity
4. Employee relations in small & medium sized Enterprise
5. Sexual harassments
6. Managing professional & managerial employees
7. Technology & Productivity
8. Work ethics
9. work & leisure
10. Quality of work life
11. Knowledge creation & Management 6
12. Virtual organizations & Emerging HRM Trends
13. HR in Mergers & acquisitions & HR and IT
1. Introduction to small Businesses
2. Calculating staff needs
3. Recruiting & selecting staff
4. Training staff
5. Employing staff
6. Controlling staff
7. Dealing with staff
8. Ending employment
9. Employment law relating to small business
10. Problems of agricultural labor & other issues
1. Introduction of IHRM
2. Internationalization & HRM
3. International HRM approaches
4. Expatriate failure
5. Management of expatriates
6. Expatriate recruitment & Selection
7. Expatriate performance management
8. Expatriate training & development
9. Expatriate reward management
10. Repatriation
11. International labor relations
1. Introduction to research in HRM
2. HRM research process
3. problem identification and formulation
4. Literature review
5. Development of a theoretical framework
6. Variables
7. Hypotheses
8. Conceptualization & operationalization
9. Scientific research design
10. Data collection methods
11. Fundamentals of sampling
12. Data analysis
13. Writing research proposals & qualitative
1. Understanding individual differences
2. Interpersonal communication
3. Resolving conflicts with others
4. Developing team work skills
5. Group problem solving
6. Become an effective leader
7. Motivating others

How are the teaching sessions going at IBA?

  • Workshops
  • Simulations
  • Role-play
  • Case study analyses and problem-solving exercises
  • Reading textbooks and journals
  • Lectures and seminars including talks by guest Lectures
  • Class discussions
  • Presentations and work on group and individual projects
  • Own research project

The qualifications necessary to register as a student to sit for this programm as below

(a) Canditates should have passed in one sitting a minimum of three approved subjects at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka. (Preference will be given to candidates those who studied approved subjects under Commerce Stream.)

How to apply

If you are able to meet the entry requirements for this course you can download related application and fill all the details and post us.
