Visitor: 2706521

Business & Management

Diploma in Public Administration

Curriculum Structure

Course Code Course Credit Hours Credits Course Status
Year 1
MEX 1501 (a) and (b) Management Process and Office Management 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 1502 Political Science 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 1503 Microeconomics 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 1504 Financial Accounting 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 1505 Introduction to Information Technology 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 1506 Mathematics and Statistics 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 1507 Compulsory English N/A N/A Compulsory
Year 2
MEX 2501 Theory and Practice of Public Administration 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 2502 Sociology and Organizational Behavior 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 2503 Macroeconomics 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 2504 Project Management 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 2505 Marketing Management 75 5 Compulsory
MEX 2506 Constitutional, Administrative, and Commercial Law 75 5 Compulsory

How are the teaching sessions going at IBA?

  • Face to Face Lecture
  • Assignment
  • Industrial Visit
  • Workshops
  • Simulations
  • Role-play
  • Case study analysis and problem-solving exercises
  • Reading textbooks and journals
  • Lectures and seminars including talks by guest Lectures
  • Class discussions
  • Presentations and work on group and individual projects
  • Own research project

The qualifications necessary to register as a student to sit for this programm as below

Candidate should have passed in one sitting a minimum of three approved subjects at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka.

How to apply

If you are able to meet the entry requirements for this course you can download related application and fill all the details and post us.
