Visitor: 2745753

Business & Management

Corporate Level


This level will build on the knowledge and skills acquired through the preceding levels further in order to craft the CA with the required profile to partner business through financial leadership. Upon qualifying as a Chartered accountant, he or she will be astute in decision making through sound financial reasoning while being cohesive to economic, industry and business circumstances, capable of integrating organisational skills into strategic decision making and inspire excellence in performance with social responsibility.

Curriculum Structure

Course Code Course Course Status
Corporate Level
KC 1 Corporate Financial Reporting Compulsory
KC 2 Corporate Finance and Risk Management Compulsory
KC 3 Corporate Taxation Compulsory
KC 4 Corporate Governance, Assurance & Ethics Compulsory
KC 5 Corporate Strategy & Contemporary Issues Compulsory

How are the teaching sessions going at IBA?

  • Workshops
  • Simulations
  • Role-play
  • Case study analyses and problem-solving exercises
  • Reading textbooks and journals
  • Lectures and seminars including talks by guest Lectures
  • Class discussions
  • Presentations and work on group and individual projects
  • Own research project

The qualifications necessary to register as a student to sit for this programm as below

Please visit CA web site to more details

How to apply

If you are able to meet the entry requirements for this course you can download related application and fill all the details and post us.
